Marketing Solutions
Patient-focused solutions designed to help practitioners promote the benefits of personalized medicine.
As an EvexiaComplete client, we offer you marketing guidance and support with patient-focused content that simplifies clinical diagnostic testing and helps your patients understand their personalized treatment protocols as they start on their “pathway to wellness.”
It’s easy to start:
- Send Evexia your logo and contact information, that you want to appear on the sell-sheets and videos, via email to
- In addition, provide which materials you would like, or all of them in that initial email.
- You will receive a sample to approve and once you give final approval we will provide you with the balance of your marketing materials.
Evexia will provide at no charge**:
Private label Functional Health Reports (FHRs)*
Functional Health Report Brochure
Private label topic-specific sell-sheets and videos
*choose nutraceutical guidance on each FHR for a free report, and avoid a $5.00 FHR fee
**Free only for EvexiaComplete accounts
Diagnostic Testing Sell-Sheets (Customizable)
At Evexia, we know you don’t always have time to run your practice and also be a copywriter, graphic designer, and marketing manager. These FREE and CUSTOMIZABLE marketing materials will help your practice explain the benefits of testing in clear and concise language to your patients.
ALL NEW – Diagnostic Testing Marketing Videos (Customizable)